5년전 젓가락 같이 생긴 나무 가지 한 개를 심었다.
아주 커다란 희망을 안고.
지금 현재. 내 어깨까지 자랐다.
이 나무는 바로 린든트리.
잎과 새 순을 먹을 수 있고 어린 꽃으로 만든 차를 마실 수 있다고 해서.
서양사람들이 나무잎을 우리가 나물 먹듯 하는 것을 상상하긴 굉장히 힘들다.
우리야 뭐 식용으로 먹는 나무 나물들이 많이 있어서 익숙하지만.
암튼 서양사람들이 우리들이 나무 나물 먹듯이 식용하는 나무가 딱 하나 있는데 그게 바로 린든트리 (라임트리, 틸리아). 작년 봄에 어린 잎 한 개를 따먹어보았는데 밍숭밍숭한 맛에 미끌 거림까지 있어서 서양인들이 과연 이걸 따먹었을까? 의심까지 들었었다.
그런데 잎을 기술해놓ㅇㄴ 것을 보니 설명이 딱 맞다.
Leaves - Fresh: young leaves and leaf
buds are used as a base for salads, can be used for pesto and in sandwiches.
The leaves are mild and slightly mucilaginous (in a good way).
The leaves of this plant are edible all spring, summer and
fall. They taste like lettuce but have a mucilaginous texture, young leaves are
the most tender but older leaves are still good to eat. They make a great
lettuce substitute in salads or sandwiches. Lindens are medium to large
trees so there is no shortage of edible leaves. There are not a lot of large
trees that have edible leaves without toxins, a bad flavor or a tough
texture. Linden flowers can be eaten raw but more commonly are made into
a tea, they are also a very popular flower for honey bees. Linden tree honey
has a distinct flavor that makes the honey more desirable. Linden fruits can be
eaten at different stages of growth, but they are small and hard with little or
no flavor.
아직 어려서 꽃을 피우지 않으니 꽃을 식용하거나 차로 마셔본 적이 없지만 차도 괜찮은가보다.
Flowers can be eaten raw and are used
for tea - only use young flowers as the older ones have been reported to cause
a reaction similar to narcotic toxicity. Frequent drinking of this tea has been
associated with heart issues - no clear connection or reason for this.
cordata, Small leaved Linden elongated bract on all flower and fruit bunches
(Photot By: Didier Descouens / Wikimedia Commons)
The flowers and probably also the
leaves of the linden tree contain Flavonoids which are antioxidants. Linden tea
has commonly been used for cold, cough, and soar throats. It is said to be
generally calming and an effective sleep aid. The nutritional value of
Linden leaves has not been thoroughly studied, this is another wild edible whos
nutritional benefits are still relatively unknown.