{Today's hiking trail was absolutely beautiful! However getting there was a little tricky because of poor road signs. I don't know why but the WA state has the worst signage of all the states I've travelled and it was one of my biggest gripes when I moved here.

Anyway, there were 4 of us (all female). Initially, one of the ladies volunteered to drive her Camry but because we had to travel on forest road, the other lady volunteered to drive her 4-weel drive truck. It was a very good thing she did because we ended up on desolate logging roads and it was very scary and bumpy.

I've been never been on logging roads before and i thought about the Korean guy who came up from SF to Seattle with his family during Thanksgiving a few years ago and was stuck on snowed in logging road and was killed when he left the car trying to find a help for his family. Do you remember that? 예 저도 기억해요. 너무 가슴이 아팠던 사건이었어요.

After spending about an hour or so trying to find our way back, we were able to find the trail entrance. The trail followed the river with gushing water all the way and it was one of the most beautiful hiking trail I've been on. I thought about your property because of the water. The weather was just beautiful as well. The trail was moderately difficult but it wasn't too bad and we had no problem finishing the 6.4 mile round trip.}
gardengal님 사진 고마워요. 무성한 녹음과 계곡이 더위에 지친 제 가슴까지 시원하게 해주었습니다.