Washington State에 사시는 gardengal님이 보내 오신 사진들입니다. 연어들이 산란을 하려고 조그만 개천을 거슬러 올라 가는 것을 찍었답니다. 전 알래스카에서만 이런 것을 볼 수 있으려니 했는데....너무나 신기해서 여기에 올립니다.
세마리의 연어가 사이좋게 물을 거슬러 올라 가고 있습니다.
아랫글은 가든겔님의 글 중에서...그냥 허락없이 제가 옮겨왔어요. 저 용서해주실거죠? :)
Now is the season for chum salmon spawning around here and since we had a decent day yesterday, I went to see them. Believe it or not they come right up to the creeks around the neighborhood. The creek I went is about 3 miles away and there were quite a few of them trying to swim upstream in such shallow water. It was so cool to see such big fish in such shallow water that sometimes their back is exposed to air. Have you ever seen salmon spawning? The sad reality is that they die once they lay eggs.......
연어들이 이렇게 조그만 거슬러 올라가서 알을 낳고 나면 죽는다고 그럽니다. 새끼들이 알을 까서 자라는 것도 못보고... 아래에 열심히 연어구이 해먹은 것 올렸는데, 괜히 미안한 생각이 가득....
Other Wild Gingers For Your Landscape
4 days ago
Uhhh, these photos look familiar!:) It's an honor and a very plesant surprise to see them here.....
ReplyDeleteYou're quick as I sent you the email this morning:)....
By the way, they are swimming in a shallow creek (Nat Mool) and not a river(강).
ReplyDelete연어가 알을 낳고 죽는다는 얘기는 들었는데 이렇게 시내강으로 거슬러 올라가는 모습을 처음 봅니다.
ReplyDelete알을 낳기가 넘 힘들어서 죽는걸까요?
아님 원초적 죽음 일까요?
연어구이 해 먹을려교 했는데 그만 둬야겠네요.
웬지 연어가 불쌍하게 여겨져....!!
Chum Salmons look quite different from other ones like sockeye. As a matter of fact, many animals and plants finish their lives shortly after their reproduction is over. So please don't be sad as the life is programmed that way. Gardengal nym, have you seen any bears around? :)
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what happens to males. Do they accompany females all the way to the spawning sites? Or they don't care?
ReplyDelete지나가다님...물고기는 체외수정을 하니 암컷이 알을 날 때 숫컷이 기다리고 있다가 정자를 같이 나주어야지 수정이 되요. 그러니 당근 숫컷도 같이....
ReplyDeletegardengal님...저도 당분간 연어구이 못 먹을 것 같아요.... :(
Uh oh, Young nim and Geni nim, sorry to ruin your appetite for salmon:(....
ReplyDeleteI wonder if salmons will consider me as their life saver.. Noooooo, I don't think so....
지나가다 nim, as Geni nim mentioned, I read that salmons fertilize externally and actually males swim up first to claim their territory(?)...
And yes, I did have a very close encounter with a mama bear and two cubs in mid-September--an experience I do not wish to repeat any time soon:)....
Gardengal nym. Thanks for the tip about the male behavior. We are learning some biology here. By the way, it must have been very scary to meet with the bears so close. In that case, you should've played dead according to an old Korean story.