June 10, 2009

얄미운 야생토끼

몇일 전에 땀 뻘뻘 흘리면서 옮겨 심어준 고구마순의 잎들을 작살낸 고약한 녀석이 누굴까?

Here it is! I let my son take a shot at it. That is how this picture was taken.

안그런 척 딴짓하고 있는 것 좀 보라구.. 내 텃밭이야.. 다시 오지마! 제발! 응?


  1. I don't know if I should say "What a cute rabbit!" or "How terrible!"....

    But I am going to say it's terrible to have an uninvited guest who thinks your garden is his dinner table.....

  2. I fenced the backyard. But still this bunny found a way to come inside... It is too fast to catch. I am doing my best to come up with a good idea to chase it away. Wish me luck!

  3. 나가 시방 토끼띤디, 너무 미워하지 마시라요. 다 즈그들도 살라고 하는거신께. 뭐 특벨히 개인감정이야 있겠시요?

  4. Smokeybear님 말이 맞는디도 좁은 인간의 마음인지라... 심각히 반성...
