아침에 시간이 나서 잡초를 좀 뽑아볼까 하고 나갔다가 엉겅퀴가 노란 꽃을 피운 것을 보았다. 잡초지만 뽑기 전에 꽃이나 사진으로 찍어놓아야지 하고 보니까 작은 syrphid fly 가 꽃위에 얌전히 앉아있다. 특별한 해충은 아니고 꽃들을 찾아다니며 수분을 도와준단다. 이런 말 하면 뭐하지만 내 눈엔 귀엽게 보인다.
어~~ 움직였다.
아~~! 날라가 버렸다.
가끔 정원을 둘러보면 작은 것들에 눈을 돌리게 되는 나를 발견하게 된다. 자연은 멀리서도 가까이에서 봐도 늘 신기한 요지경인 것 같다.
Other Wild Gingers For Your Landscape
4 days ago
You're very observant!:) If it had been me, I would have missed it completely.:( I have to learn from you to pay a closer attention to everything including a bug!
ReplyDeleteI totally disagree with you, since your pictures tell me otherwise.
ReplyDelete에구, 파리는 너무 찡그러워요. 다리도 여덜게나 있자나요? 대가리는 또 어떠쿠요. 밤탱이가튼 눈에다가 쭉쭉거리는 입술...
ReplyDeleteSmokybear nim. Biology 101. flies like other insects have only three pairs of legs, so a total of 6. Spiders have 8 legs.
ReplyDeleteI think, not all of them, of course, definetely, some of them are in the cuter side, like syrphid fly. I hope you find some cuter insects sooner or later in your eyes ^.^
You're so kind!:)
ReplyDeleteI probably would have told it to get away from my flower...:(
By the way, I am amazed at your knowledge of names for insects and plants....!!!
I get the most of my hlep from insect field guide book,common veggie pest books, googling, and a friend. But still i can only match the half of insects in my yard. You will only see the ones i manage to successfuly identify.