Three years ago, when my husband bought a humming bird feeder and hung on a cedar tree purely due to his curiosity, I’ve never expected that humming birds are actually around our area and going to make a visit to the feeder. However, my such thought was proven premature and baseless. One fine summer Saturday morning, I was enjoying my coffee on the deck. Guess what I saw. First, I had to rub my eyes hard because I thought I was seeing either a big butterfly or a giant bug hovering around the feeder. As soon as my eyes were cleared, I couldn’t believe what I thought I saw. As soon as the realization hit my brain, I had to bolt into the house to get a camera and also yell at my husband to come out to see a humming bird. My heart was beating so hard skipping a few beats in the same time until I got to near the feeder and took a few pictures. Next time, when your husband impulsively buys a humming bird feeder, don’t laugh at him. You might be surprised with a visit of an incredible tiny guest on one fine summer day. With one sight of a humming bird now I am a humming bird lover. Until you have your moment, I hope you enjoy my pictures!!!
3년전 남편이 호기심에 허밍버드 (벌새) feeder 를 사서 달았을 때 난 벌새가 단물을 먹으로 올것이라곤 상상도 못했었다. 근데 그러한 내 상상을 깨고 8월 어느 한가한 주말 아침에 커피 마시며 주변을 관망하고 있는 내 눈에 어른 거리는 듯한 움직임이 포착되었다. 뭐지? 하며 주시하다가 화들짝 놀라서 집안으로 뛰어들어가 카메라를 들고 나오는데 내 가슴이 어찌나 콩당콩당 뛰던지. 과연 사진을 찍을 수 있을까 하는 의문과 긴장감으로..

셔터 누르던 손이 얼마나 떨리던지….

확인 할 겨를도 없이 세번 연속으로 셔터를 누르고…

내 우려에도 불구하고 오히려 벌새의 연속 동작이 너무나 그림처럼 깨끗하고 선명하게 나왔다. 마치 나를 위해 포즈를 취해 주기나 한 듯이…이건 어느 조용한 8월의 주말아침이 내게 선사한 최고의 선물이었다. 그리고 난 그 자리에서 벌새 애호주의자가 되었다.
Perfect timing! I can actually see hummingbird flapping its wings! Hummingbirds are so cute!
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